

In The Teaching Kitchen Video Series

In The Teaching Kitchen at Lenox Hill Neighborhood House: Healthy Carrot Cake Cookies

En The Teaching Kitchen de Lenox Hill Neighborhood House: Galletas Saludables de Avena y Zanahoria

In The Teaching Kitchen at Lenox Hill Neighborhood House: Barley and Brown Rice Bake

En The Teaching Kitchen de Lenox Hill Neighborhood House: Cebada y Arroz Integral Horneada

In The Teaching Kitchen at Lenox Hill Neighborhood House: Sweet Potato Chili

En The Teaching Kitchen de Lenox Hill Neighborhood House: Chili de Habichuelas Negras y Batata

In The Teaching Kitchen at Lenox Hill Neighborhood House: Pesto Tutorial

En The Teaching Kitchen at Lenox Hill Neighborhood House: Pesto de Espinaca y Albahaca Tutorial

In The Teaching Kitchen at Lenox Hill Neighborhood House: Apple Vinaigrette

En The Teaching Kitchen at Lenox Hill Neighborhood House: Vinagreta de Manzana en Español


The Teaching Kitchen at Lenox Hill Neighborhood House Inaugural Potluck!


NY1 Feature of The Teaching Kitchen at Lenox Hill Neighborhood House


The Teaching Kitchen’s Farm-to-Institution Panel Discussion

The Teaching Kitchen at Lenox Hill Neighborhood House hosted a panel to discuss what opportunities exist for action and collaboration to improve publicly funded meals, how we further farm-to-institution goals, how we develop policies and processes to effect wellness for low-income New Yorkers, and how we strengthen the local food shed and create a more healthy and equitable food system.


New York State Health Foundation - Neighborhood House Staff Share Impact and Expansion of The Teaching Kitchen


Fresh Taste for Seniors Cooking Demonstration Series

Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center's Fresh Taste for Seniors - Avocado Spinach Salad Recipe

Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center's Fresh Taste for Seniors - Garbanzo Bean Sandwich Recipe

Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center's Fresh Taste for Seniors - Quick Bean Chili Recipe

Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center's Fresh Taste for Seniors- Corn Tomato Salad Recipe

Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center's Fresh Taste for Seniors - Tuna Lettuce Wrap Recipe

Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center's Fresh Taste for Seniors - Black Bean Quesadilla Recipe


Cooking Demonstrations at Lenox Hill Neighborhood House

Members of the Center @ Lenox Hill Neighborhood house learn to cook soba noodles with Teaching Kitchen Founding Executive Chef Lynn Loflin.

Members of the Center @ Lenox Hill Neighborhood house learn to cook quiche with Teaching Kitchen Founding Executive Chef Lynn Loflin.